Friday, October 5, 2018

Five-Minute-Friday ~ 31 Day Challenge for October ~ FMF

After four days of prompts that tested me to my core, here comes "Share."

 I haven't done an FMF since August of last year.

I stepped away after the prompt "Try."

A lot was going on back then. I'll try to get back to that "why" eventually, but for now, I'll concentrate on today's prompt first.

One thing I have learned through all this, take each step carefully!

I returned because the 31 Day Free Writing Challenge, well, challenged me.

Writing my "Story," being "Afraid," to "Believe" in myself, and to see "Why." sharing my story seems to come in spurts. I get to a certain point, and I run with my tail between my legs. Sharing it this way, well, it scares me! 
But God keeps tugging at me to write, to share, to help!

It's happened before.


I peeled off a layer of this onion, and someone complained. 

Which leads me to withdraw like I've done something wrong. Which then takes time, through my extraordinary resources, to brings me back up to where I see Gods love again. This tug-of-war is never a game. It's "why" I keep those bible studies by my bedside. I go to sleep reminded of the love and joy, the hurt and healing, on those pages. All done along with Him and his words. Encouraging me to share my words so others can maybe find them, helping them get where they are going.

If it wasn't for the stories in the Bible, shared by ordinary people, about their journey, and how God was there with them, I know for sure, I would not be where I am!

I will always be that onion.

However, instead of being peeled, sliced or diced. Served raw, tossed in a salad or cut into rings becoming just another onion ring, frying in the hot oil. I want to be a whole onion, cut perfectly, dunked in the coating of Gods love, as I'm lowered into the hot oil, and like Daniel, I come out a "blooming onion!"

Funny thing is, I'm not a fan of all onion rings. I'm picky. I don't like them thick. I do like their coating though. Especially when they are super crispy. But that "blooming onion," though I have never eaten one all of my own, I have taken a slice of a few. It's a single wedge of all the layers of the onion. No one had to peel them or separate them, they stayed in tack, all together. So as you look at the flower the onion looks like, it represents us. A group of people, together for a purpose, all with our own stories, waiting to be shared with others.

"Blooming Onions" are meant to be shared!


This post is also part of the 31-Day of Five Minute Free Writes challenge link-up.  

Today's writing prompt was "Share."

For more information on the challenge click here.


  1. Your post reminds me of this Brene Brown quote: "The bravest thing you'll ever do is tell your story." It takes courage though! Blessed to be your neighbor at FMF this week.

    1. Yes it does. Always Blessings! It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...

  2. I read it and was encouraged. Thanks for coming back and sharing a part of your story with us. I will never look at another blooming onion without thinking of you!
    #42 at FMF

    1. Knowing someone will be thinking of me when the see a blooming onion, warms my heart. Thank you.

  3. Thank you for sharing!! Love the analogy! I don't like onions but I want to be a blooming one. :D

    1. Thank you Tammy, today has been a great day. These words and those above mean so much. Blessings.

  4. I really had to smile about the "blooming onion." This is one of the best things I've read, this week.


A penny for your thoughts...


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