Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Five-Minute-Friday ~ 31 Day Challenge for October ~ Afraid

"What keeps you from sharing your story with other people?"
My Fear of failing!
No readers!
I'm no good!
Boring topic!

This is the best cross I could make with the words that keep me from sharing my story. 

I chose the cross to remind me that I am not a failure in His eyes.
I can handle rejection because he had to first. But it still scares me.
I may not have a degree, but that doesn't mean I am uneducated!
No readers? I have readers. What I don't get is comments. 
That might be a good thing since some comments can be cruel.
I may not be great at it, but I am good at some of it.
If it's boring, no one has ever said so, so that is good.

When I read the Book of Daniel along with Beth Moore's study, I fell in love with Daniel. He grabbed my heart and took me to a new level of my understanding of the bible.

Sharing Our Journey Through Life has been easier to share then my story of what got me here. When I first started blogging in 2009, it began as a journal of my journey with IBM. Since I didn't want to focus on all the medical stuff, I decided to focus on our life. When we began going through some tough times, I started to be vague; sometimes I used a sharpened pencil of insults at the ones creating the drama. Then, after a long hiatus, I came back with what is now our journey through life. Same name but with a new look and direction. Finding my joy again in 2012 had me on the upside. Not two years later I was struggling with my inconsistency in writing yet again.

I did write some post of my past but have made most of them private for personal reasons. It's not a pretty picture of a family with faults, unwanted consequences, and held grudges by others. 

But that is the story the publishers wanted. 

I was dealing with the "#Me Too!" ordeal way before it was what it is now. My fear of my story might close a chapter for me, but for others, it will open old wounds long not healed. I can't get their words out of my head sometimes, so the last thing I would want is for my words to haunt others. 
The urge to edit is difficult!
The thoughts that come from the fingers can be profound.

“Do not be afraid, you who are highly esteemed,” he said. “Peace! Be strong now; be strong.” When he spoke to me, I was strengthened and said, “Speak, my lord, since you have given me strength.”

This post is part of the 31-Day of Five Minute Free Writes challenge link-up.  
Today's writing prompt was "AFRAID."  
For more information on the challenge click here.


  1. Hugs and prayers!! I've very much enjoyed your last two blog posts!!


A penny for your thoughts...


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