It's the New Year, already!
Boy, has a lot been going on around here!
Sorry I didn't get to post about it.
My computer just about CRASHED!
Yep, there was a number of things that took it over the edge, like it was trying to commit suicide! Or was I the one killing it!
I know a computer has it's limits.
Kind of like my own brain lately!
So, I got a new laptop, as did the office. Along with that my phone needed an update, so that was taken care of too. With that came learning two new devices. You know what they say, "If you can't figure it out ask a child!" My grandchildren have been tickled to teach grandma how to use her phone. I enjoy their giggles. The computer is a whole different thing though. For now, or even then, I learned the basic to get through the holidays.
Oh, and I also got a new laser printer for all those photo projects I've been preparing for. When you buy two laptops from Dell, and my daughter knows how to find the deals, they throw in a free printer.
Can you say WIN, WIN!
I was having a hard time getting it set up though. I just decided to add it the list of things to do after the new year.
After all we had NASCAR right after the Boo Bash. FUN!!!!!
Then came Thanksgiving, which was AWESOME!!!! Our Floridians couldn't make it but everyone else was here. "Grand's" are now 15 years down to 5, and the help they now contribute, made even more memories for me to store in my heart.
Right after Thanksgiving, and I mean like 6 days later, hubby had his first CTS surgery. Couldn't have asked for better results. I contribute it to the MANY and I mean many prayers said by so many.
You see, plans had already been made to travel to Napa for our annual Christmas visit. With dates filling up fast, it was our only window. When the date was set for the surgery, it was either that day, or the next year...well, being our deductible had already been met for the year, there was no other option. Second surgery was scheduled for the 23rd. Yep, he had to have both hands done.
I just put all this in His hands.
The prayers began and boy did they work!
I was to be the driver for this trip in order for it to happen. With pillows, med's, and gifts we made it up and back with only a couple of oops along the way. Without those prayers, I really could have never done this. Crazy California drivers continually amazed me! It'd been 4 years since I personally had driven that route. After that, I would much rather be the passenger. It's no wonder so many have stress when they have to drive in that every day, to and from work, to and from daycare, to and from school, doctors, groceries, just about anywhere one might need to go. NO THANK YOU! Putting all that aside, the time we had up there with family and friends, was just perfect! The whole trip in fact was just perfect. From our stops on the way up to, our annual Harris Ranch stay on the way home, everything was absolutely perfect!

Once back home, Christmas got into full swing. Christmas tree's. Gingerbread houses. Sugar cookies. Fudge. You know the normal stuff. Even getting ready for the 14th Annual Dorothy Young Memorial Electric Light Parade has become the normal for us. We always have so much fun!
With close to 85% of my shopping done before Thanksgiving, I had a lot of wrapping to catch up on. For the last few years what I call my office/craft/sewing room/laundry room gets transformed into what the "Grand's" have named, The Christmas Room. It's where all that wrapping takes place. Boxes are laid about for shipping, while others are prepared for delivery, and then other's got ready to go under the tree.

With everything ready by Christmas Eve, it's time to enjoy and celebrate everything Christmas is meant for. I think giving of gifts is so much more fun then receiving them. I received the gift of Jesus years ago, and cherish the time we get to celebrate Him. Yes, we have gifts, and it seems like a lot, but each gift has much thought and meaning. The gift are meant to enhance and bring growth and love to each recipent. Sure we could buy TV's, computers, laptops, video games, but we could buy those things anytime throughout the year if needs be. Christmas is a time to share our love, and I enjoy doing that through the gifts I give that represent that love.
After all the package have been open, and the gifts have made their way to their own homes, some come back in the way of notes to grandma on the notecards I make them each year. Sometimes I even get art crafts or goodies created from the kits or recipe books they got. These are the gifts that come back throughout the year, just not at Christmas.
Writing also seems to get pushed aside during the holidays. But with the holidays over, and half of it already put away, I can reclaim my space. Mainly because I want to put together the writing desk hubby has found the pieces for. Something I have been dreaming about since last year. I just can't wait to get it all put together. It's going to be so cool!
I'm really excited to see where 2017 takes
Our Journey Through LIFE!
Happy New Year