Friday, August 30, 2019

Five-Minute-Friday ~ Back


We can't go back and change the beginning?

I remember seeing the quote below, so I googled it, learning C.S.Lewis didn't really write those words. Someone who makes memes just added his name to it. Seems they do it with other famous people like Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, and others. Even God gets attached to some, taking his words out of context.

Isn't that breaking a Commandment?

“You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

Is it okay if it's for His glory?

As I read what scholars of the bible write, who have devoted their lives to His words I can only ask questions of the knowledge they hold, hopeful to learn just a bit of what they know.

Even though the words might not be his, they are good words of encouragement.

We can't go back; however, we can change how it affects us from here on out. Can we really change the ending when we don't know what it will be? We know that by following Jesus, he will lead us to God, but only God knows our path.

Staying faithful to His words will ensure our end is eternal...


 ...thus, changing our life for Him is changing the ending!

What a week!

Set-backs to backaches can sure change a day at a moments notice! If only I could go back and do what I missed, or remember what I forgot. 

But that's not happening.

I simply pick up from where I left off and put one foot in front of the other as I move on.

Like taking a couple of afternoons and spending them at Chucky Cheese or GetAir with the youngest grand!

It took a day to pull out the boxes and boxes of old-old photos to dig through looking for our ribbon cutting ceremony from when we bought our business twenty-five years ago, but it's going to take me a lot longer to put it all back.

My table is full of years spread out, a few found new home in empty frames and are now on display.

Unfortunately, the boxes have been rummaged through so many times over the years looking for one moment in time or another, and those photos never made it back to their original box. So before they go back into the closet, I am determined to make heads and tails of those stragglers, assuring they find their proper place.

Forty-four years of moments add up to one heck of a lot of photos!

What an incredible story they tell.

Don't forget, you can...

Click this link to visit Kate's blog.
Click this link if you want to read what others have written.
From there, if you want to join, you will find the link.

See ya' next week!

Friday, August 23, 2019

Five-Minute-Friday ~ Pace

Today's prompt fits ideally this week.

Recently, I was reminded to pace myself...

I'd been struggling, yet again. I know, I know it's nothing new, and yes, we've been through it before. I'm also sure there will be other struggles ahead. It's inevitable in that even the world around us is struggling, isn't it?

Struggles aren't all bad, it just means...


Seriously though, everything seems to be moving at a snail's pace...


The doctor appointments over the last few months seem to have not only created an emotional roller coaster of so many unknown turns, but it also has us at a snail's pace.

Thankfully we know how to navigate through this stuff. So, when everything turned out okay, there wasn't really that feeling of jubilation, it was more like a feeling I knew all too well, one of more confusion, more questions, and even more prayers.

If it wasn't cancer, then what is it?

I didn't pray for it to be cancer, I prayed for answers.

Cancer was the last thing I had thought about. I figured from the beginning, it had something to do with the aftermath of that botched surgery that actually began this journey. I've heard scar tissue can cause all kinds of bumps in a road.

After a few minutes to regain my ground, I asked again...then what is it?

The answer, they don't know!

What we do know is there is a rather substantial growth of unknown origin. I guess when you hear the doctor say during a cystoscopy, he's never seen anything like it and allows me to see what he is talking about, I have every right to be concerned...


... so now we wait for the insurance to approve more tests. They seem to work at a pace all of their own. It took two months to get that last special MRI approved and scheduled. Seems most technicians have never done one. We were so blessed with finding one who wanted to figure it out.

While this medical world has us moving at a snail pace, it does allows us time. We can continue in the directions we began 2019, pacing ourselves for new business endeavors, growth, and other wondrous things God has for us along this journey of ours.

I really am so thankful for the pace we are growing at, so long as it's God's...

Don't forget, you can...

Click this link to visit Kate's blog.
Click this link if you want to join us.

See ya' next week!

Friday, August 16, 2019

Five-Minute-Friday ~ Hospitality


In five-minutes...


I know when one is writing for a Christian Writer link, and on the prompt 'Hospitality,' I should write about our fellowship gatherings or Bible Study Groups, but those doors closed a few years ago, and I haven't been able to find my way back just yet.

I could share how it feels to be looking inside from the outside, watching those enjoying the gatherings, but I don't need to go down that path either. 

God, along with the love of Jesus, has moved me past it and onto other things.

That's the great thing about His plan...He allows us to walk a path, even when it's not His, but what happens, as He knows it will, His pathway will cross the one we are on sooner or later, time doesn't matter to Him. He has all the time of eternity. 

So when a crossroad comes up, and one can find Him standing by, we have the choice to change direction with Him, or wave and catch up with Him later. He's already set everything in place. He knows the end of our road before we ever will!

So when I found this article about our differences, yet our similarities, we all are trying to reach the non-believers who just happen to show up along our path, and He already knows they will encounter us on it! He knows we will always be hospitable to them in His name.

He knows what we will do before we ever really do it!

He has me right where I am supposed to be...


...rather I understand or not. 

One thing I am excited about is hosting our annual Boo Bash. It has been one of my favorite things we have done for our Grand's and their small community of church and school friends for the last 10 years. 

The kids are always excited about coming and talk about it continually from the day they get their invite. 

This year it will be bittersweet though.

The older Grand's and friends that this Bash began with...

...are now teenagers!

But we are not stopping yet! 

There are still younger brothers, friends, and cousins who are still 8-10 and under, that still enjoys coming, and hopefully will for a few more years. 

We will be pulling out the many boxes and props out of storage over the next month, maybe create some new games, develope a menu plan, share cake decorating ideas, (we do a cakewalk) and begin to bring my yard to life allowing the little superheroes and princess to enjoy!


Click this link to visit Kate's blog.
Click this link if you want to read what others wrote.  
If you want to join us, you'll a link there as to how.

Have a great weekend!

See ya' next week!

Friday, August 9, 2019

Five-Minute-Friday ~ Again

It's FMF, and just like any other week, here I go, again, writing for five minutes on the word prompt, again!

Timer set...


Having to do something over and over again, isn't just because you did it wrong the first or second time, it could be because it actually worked the first time and it's the best way to do it or to get from point A to point B. 

So you do it again, and again.

To develop a new habit, you need to repeat the task, over and over. Again and again, for at least 60 days, so they say. They also say it depends on the person, the habit, the time, and other variables and realistically it can take as little as 18 days to 254 days. 

When I quit smoking 5 years ago this month, I did it "cold turkey!" Breaking a bad habit is probably just as hard, but again, and again I just took it one day at a time. My incentive was a brand new trailer sitting in my driveway. To wash the desire out of my mind, I kept busy, kept in prayer, and would sit in the trailer, thankful something so wrong for me provided something so right for me.

Now I have to do the same thing with the weight that found me. It's not as easy as smoking was. Without realizing it, the hand to mouth habit I had for over 30 years was replaced with chips to mouth. Fries, cookies, and candy-filled the void. So I told myself the same thing I did with the cigarettes, "Don't buy them, I won't smoke them!" Only it's the cookies, chips, and candies but this time, and it's not as easy!

I am now 9 weeks along with the Noom thing. 

Every day I have to weigh in, do the lessons, which takes about 10-15 minutes, get my steps in, and log my food.

Again, and again, and again, and again. 

Even when the numbers don't move but ounces, I still step on that scale!

Just like anything or even everything...


...if we do it again, and again, it becomes a routine, a habit, something that just automatically gets done.

My devotionals, my garden time, the time I spend writing or snapping pictures, along with this new fitness and healthy eating stuff, they all fit into this schedule that just works and it repeats itself each day, again and again. 

Somedays, might not go as smooth as others, but there's always tomorrow, a new day to try again like when we are traveling or driving to doctors, a road trip can call the munchies really quick! It's taken some adjusting, but each part, which is a part of me, continues those steps, making the new day better than the day before, comforting the bad days with a new day tomorrow and not binging on sweets today!. 

I don't mind the, again and again in life, they are just part of the journey.

Philippians 4:4(NLT)
Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice!

Philippians 4:4(NLT)
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.


Click this link to visit Kate's blog.
Click this link if you want to join us.

See ya' next week!

Thursday, August 8, 2019

The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ August

For this month, August 2019...

The Simple Woman's Daybook

Looking out my window...our view was different for a few days.

I am thinking...about how blessed my life is. God's grace upon us allows some of the most memorable moments. None of which could happen without the plan He has for us. Accepting His terms and conditions instead of what the world can throw at us, make all the difference. The worldly ways are not in our best interest. His are!

I am so thankful...for all things...

One of my favorite things...photographing my Mexican Bird of Paradise.

I own temporary space to do some exercising in. Bought a yoga mat, some weights, more bands, and downloaded some videos. Starting out slow and gaining ground each week. It must be contagious cause hubby brought in his incline stationary bike. It's old like us, still works, no computer or power needed, but it's a start. I keep hinting I want a treadmill for the summer months, it's just too hot to walk outside most days.

Then a light bulb went off, what if we turn part of the stalled guest house project into an exercise area!

We'll see how far that thought travels. 

Add some prays, a plan, it could just happen!

I am wearing...a blue floral and stripe print sundress.

I've been weight go up and down, and then down and back up again! I got discouraged because I didn't think it was working, but I have managed to lose 11 pounds over the last eight weeks. That's over a pound a week.

Not bad! 

My weight graph might look like a snake slithering along the line, but the line is declining. It's a life-changing experience, not a marathon. A year from now, when we are on our Alaska Cruise, I should be at my target weight, in awe of not just our surroundings, but how good I will be feeing! 

I am hoping...all the preparations made turn out the way God has planned.

I've cherish all the moments I possibly can!

Time flies even faster when it comes to grandchildren...

These two are my oldest and my youngest grandchildren. One was the first grandchild, the other the last. Ones entering the third grade, the other starts his senior year. Life with an eight-year-old and an almost eighteen-year-old are so different.  The oldest does enjoy and likes teaching his younger brother about things. Watching them work as a team just tickled my heart and filled my soul. 

When building a sandcastle, always start it between the watermarks left from the high tide. Add a moat and a canal. Then when the tide begins to rise, it fills it up. 

Eventually, the sea takes back what you built...

In the garden...I've just been trying to keep what's left of my little patio garden alive! Our summer might have started out cooler than average, but boy has it been sizzling lately. 

I moved what wasn't baked to the shade.

My Hens and Chicks, the green kind not the two-legged ones, were struggling.

We had our first monsoon go past us yesterday.

Only got a dozen drops of rain, minimal wind, the humidity level made it sticky, but eventually, it will be what helps to cool us down. 

From the kitchen...we continue to buy healthy. No more chips or cookies in the cupboard. Bread goes bad before we can eat it since we rarely do. It's been weeks since I have had pasta, but I plan to make it a reward of chicken alfredo when I can get those darn RED foods calorie count down and under control.

Shared quote...

A few moments from my days... 

See ya next month!

you can join the simple woman's daybook where every day is a blank page,
and participate in creating a list of the simple things and everyday moments of our daily lives.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Five-Minute-Friday ~ Five

Hard to believe it's already August!

This year is just zipping by. School has begun for some of the Grand's and coming soon for the others. A blended grandson graduated this last school year and starts Army Bootcamp this month, while our first grandson is beginning his senior year, and his graduation next June will arrive before we know it!

Our next three will graduate in 2022, and we have no idea how we will manage to attend them all. One lives here, one lives in Mesa, and the other is in Florida. Hopefully, the dates will be spread out.

We get to do the same thing nine years from now for the three youngest Grand's, who are all 3rd graders this year.

Summer is almost over, and fall is just around the corner. Looking forward to the cooler days it brings.

My timer is set...


I'd like to thank Kate for taking on this endeavor five years ago.

I found Five-Minute-Friday the spring/summer of 2017. I'd like to think God was nudging me to clink on a link on a blog I was reading, which led to another, and another. I wrote maybe a dozen times, and I stopped.

I had been in this funk, and it might have been that words just weren't forming in my head or heart. Health frustrations were dragging me down again, and I just stopped writing about my faith, my love for God, and focused on our journey through life. The book I've held over my head wasn't writing itself, and maybe its something that didn't/doesn't need to be written.

Then last year, after recovering from my broken shoulder, I saw a thing about 31 Days to Telling Your Story in October, so I joined in. I'd been struggling to write a book, and felt like I had no business even trying, since I don't write as well as others do, and the rest is history.

I fell in love with this group of Christian writers...


...and I made a commitment that I will continue to keep working on that book after that. I also made a commitment to myself to writing along with her word prompt for the entire next year...and here I am.


Click this link to visit Kate's blog.
Click this link if you want to join us.

Click this link if you want to read what other's wrote on the prompt. 

See ya' next week!


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