We finally made it to Ajo just before noon. It had started raining again and wondered if my plan was getting rained out. As we pulled in I saw that most the walk was under cover so I adventured on while hubby went to do his work.
A lot of the stores were already closed up. The rain didn't last long, and as I made my way to the (1) Old Depot which is now the Visitor Center, it was over.
A lovely lady answered many of my questions. One being why are some of the stores closed? A lot of the stores are ran by other business owners and are only open on the weekends. Fortunately she had a few of the artist work in the store. Unfortunately I forgot my wallet at home. Fortunately hubby gave me his ATM card. I went easy on him, LOL!
I grabbed the map and went about my journey.
I didn't walk in the order of the map. Mainly because I wasn't sure how far I could get and since we just drove through parts of it just a few weeks ago, I wanted to see things we didn't then. As I left the Depot I turned left to walk to the backside of the plaza where there is an Artist Alley. This wasn't on the walking tour (it should be) but the nice lade directed me toward it so I just had to see it.
Quite some interesting art work. As I came out and around I was now at the front of the plaza again.
Crossing the street I was standing right in front of the (8) Federated Church. On our last trip I got a full shot but didn't notice the doors.
Across the street from that church is (4) the Immaculate Conception Catholice Church.
Standing in front of the church is the (2) Flag Pole. When we come back together I will get some better pictures of of it.
I stayed on my path which brought me to across the street from (3) Triangle Park. The brochure described it was follows:
"Here are insightful historical photographs and interpretive plaques celebrating Mexican Town and Indian Village, seperate neighborhoods that lasted through the 1970's..."
"...While here step onto the sidewalk footprints along the highway at the northwest corner of the park to properly view the Copper News mural."
I remained across the street to snap my photo. Since we will be coming back I'll leave this for us to do together as well.

While at the Visitors Center I had asked about them and she shared the story. An artist built the first trio for her home. Then when she bought another home, she added some there too. She didn't say how many properties were the artist, but as other locals saw what she was creating they commissioned her to create a trio for them. They are all made of recycled items and no three are a like. I suggested she pass on a seed to the artist. If she would make smaller statures to sell in the Visitors Center, I know I would be buying a set.
I want to learn more about this artist.
What an adventure!
Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.