How did you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?
If you’re like most, you probably had some corned beef and cabbage, some ale, maybe even some awesome decorations adorned your surrounding. You would think as often as we go a bit overboard on some of our celebrations, St. Patrick's Day would be included. It hasn’t really been a call for one yet. I’m not saying it won’t ever happen, just hasn’t yet. Though we have a friends whose birthday is the 17th, there was a time…so one never knows what the future holds.
For a couple years our son would march in the parade…
…but the Big “C” changed that. This was 2011 and just a month before he began his journey. Knowing the pain he was having, his determination to fulfill a commitment, he managed to walk the whole way.
Of course we have styled the green before as well…
But this year, we just hung out.
Saturday we went out garage sailing (sales). I had seen a few places that might have items we could use for furnishing the guest house. I don’t remember without looking back if I mentioned our guest house was going through a transformation. Our other son put up walls, widened a doorway, made a hallway (with hall closet), and 2 bedrooms. Watch for it’s revealing later this year (hopefully) with before and after pictures of course.
Our search didn’t produce any results for that list but we did find….
For $35 this king head and foot board for our room. Not being a fan of the shiny gold, we bought products on our way to hopefully make it look something like this….

Or something like this if we mess up and have to paint over our mistake…
![headboard-500x332[1] headboard-500x332[1]](

Either look, or something in between, will work just fine. Since it really isn’t an antique, I won’t stress over it to much. I won't be using the foot board, so we/me/he will practice on it first. I plan to use it in my garden as a trellis and assures the head board has a better chance of coming out as we hope. Another before and after for later, but hopefully this one will be completed in the very near future.
While at Home Depot, we also picked up more dirt and more vegetables. I love when hubby goes with me. He always finds things he says I need. So I agree I need, but know I could make do without, (on most things that it) but since he is offering to buy it for me, sure I can use it, thanks bunches babe.
To think one can get excited about plant labels and seeding boxes. I have always just used popsicle sticks and flat tray from the nursery. Oh and he bought asparagus. I didn’t tell him till later it will be a couple years before we get to eat any.
On our way home, wouldn’t you know it, a service call comes in. No problem. Our customers are our life. I don’t mind tagging along most times and since this one was out at Hidden Shores, this was one of those times. It’s a nice drive, well not too scenic, but enough and allows for conversation along the way. It’s been a while since I have been out that way and I love seeing the changes.
Fortunately there was nothing wrong with the machine. It was FULL of…
…which means it won’t accept anymore. Definitely we found our pot of gold!
With sailing over, service completed, it didn’t leave much day to tackle the garden.
Sunday hubby went up to meet the worker and his helper at the rental. Plan was to get them lined out and then back home. Actually hubby’s plan was for them to work Saturday. (flexible as we are, we just switched) Already not happy the work was rescheduled to Sunday, when he got up there the guy displayed more lack of respect and it was one of those enough is enough moments, and he fired him. Yes, FIRED! Not something we usually do. I don’t mind they quit if we don’t fit, but do not ever like having to fire someone. I must say I am not surprised. We LOVE to help people. Tend to pay out more then needed at times, but always with good intentions. After a while, it seems to bite us in the butt with some. That old saying, “You only get what you paid for”, comes to mind. What about you work for what you are paid. Amazingly, hubby was able to get done in 3 hours what this guy claimed would take him and a helper all day! He even had the nerve to call back later that day to apologize. Can you believe he called my hubby a Jew? My hubby a Jew! Apology accepted but we still don’t need your type of work.
Once he got back home, we reviewed our plan of attack on the garden when “Bug” called wanting to come over for a visit. “It would be a working visit”, I said, “but your welcome to help in the garden.”
With harvest tucked away, it was time to move in some supplies…
The tires will become our potato planters.
Buddy loved visiting with the neighbors horse.
The forklift was needed to bring up brick and of course he needed help!
Of course while the adults continued to work, the kids needed to cool off. Ok, we did sit and take breaks just to watch these 3. Their the best distraction!
Even the dogs had fun!
This little Buddy is not afraid of the big dogs at all!

And by the end of the day, we had 2 planters added at the gazebo, ready for soil and plants.
A BIG truck should be delivering the under-bed for the gazebo sometime this week or next. I have flagstone left over from the pool deck and will lay it out within the space, filling in the spaces between with crushed granite and cement. Once in place, you sprinkle down with water the granite with cement in it and when it dries it dries firm like concrete but with a crushed granite look. I’ve been making these kind of walks in my garden for 30 years. We redid the walk around the pool last year at a cost of $34. I’ll bet I get the floor in the gazebo for less then that if not half.
A very “Green” St. Patty’s Day for this Journey Through LIFE!