Monday, October 14, 2019

31-Days of Five-Minute Free Writes Challenge ~ Voice

The word prompt for day fourteen of the 31-Days of Five-Minute Free Writes...Voice.


Oh, the voice of a child! 

Such a sweet sound to my heart. Sometimes it's endless words rambling together, excited over what they just learned. Other times, they're singing a song along with the radio, not catching every word, but still on key. It's an incredible journey listening to their vocabulary increase from the two-word sentences they began with to completed sentences describing a topic of interest.

I wish I could say it's different for God's children who might not be in the most ideal home. So many are still not being acknowledged and are falling into the cracks of a broken system. Taking the time to sit and talk with them about whatever they address might be just what they need. Our words are like seeds, quietly making their way to a questioning heart, where something has the opportunity to grow within them. 

Children are like sponges, and they want to absorb everything they can about the world around them. Unfortunately, that world might not be one with God's presence...

"STOP!" it. The words we share with them might be what brings them closer to God, even if not immediately noticed or allowed. Other Christians might come around picking up where you left off. We are not alone in this stewardship or God's calling. We have a responsibility to share His words of love through our stories of how He fixed the broken hearts in ways they wouldn't have known or expected.

For October, I'm participating in Kate's 31 Days of Five-Minute Free Writes. I will be sharing our journey through life, one day at a time using the prompts provided.

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