Saturday, October 12, 2019

31-Days of Five-Minute Free Writes Challenge ~ First

The word prompt for day twelve of the 31-Days of Five-Minute Free Writes...First.


Life is full of first...

First steps.

The first time you rode a bike.

First day of school.

The first time you made it across the monkey bars.

First boyfriend.

First concert.

Dancing to rock and roll for the first time.

Drove a car for the first time.

The first time you met the man you would marry.

The first kiss.

The first place you lived together.

Your first fight.

Your first anniversary.

Your firstborn.

Their first smile.

Their first steps.

Their first tooth.

Their first day of school.

Their first day of college.

Their first child.

Our first grandchild.

The first grandchild graduating from High School. 

I could spend the whole five-minutes creating a list of all the first our forty-four years have experienced. I guess I did! There have been so many memorable first along this journey.

My mother taught me to praise God first, in everything! Even when I was doing wrong, sometimes the first thing that would come to mind was Him. Thankful, for even when I ignored him, He continued to put me first. 

What an incredible, sometimes crazy, journey of so many first this and then that's!


Sorry to have taken the easy way out today. We had a surprise visitor distract me and welcomed him. I'm so curious as to what other firsts still await this old gal. As hubby is getting closer to possibly retiring in a few years, the chance of more first is almost inevitable. 

For October, I'm participating in Kate's 31 Days of Five-Minute Free Writes. I will be sharing our journey through life, one day at a time using the prompts provided.

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