The prompt for Five-Minute-Friday last week was: willing.
As I sat by the window of our trailer, gazing out at the ocean, leaving behind the 110 plus temperature at home, I'm was so thankful to be there, willing to just relax and enjoy the beautiful views, along with the cooler temperatures the coast can have.
I had every intention of getting this post done and linked-up, but I got distracted...
When I finally got time to write it, I had no internet access.
So, I am still willing to share with you, what distracted me during the 4 day weekend we had...
Day 1 ~ Arriving...
Crossing over the Coronado Bridge and the San Diego Bay... |
...allowing a view of the San Diego skyline. |
Silver Strand State Park
The drive over the mountain was a breeze compared
to the drive from the mountain to here. Traffic, with a trailer, is no vacation! It might be a parking lot type of campsite, which isn't my favorite, but the view makes up for it.
Oh, and there is no internet, even though you are just a hop, skip and a jump from Coronado.
It never fails, we forget something, this time of all things, the barbeque! How in the world could we (actually it's he) forget that! Thought we could find one, but we didn't need a big one, and that is all we found. Might have had better luck at an RV store, but we decided we can survive without one this trip. Saw a few artsy things along our way. There were others, only my they didn't really turn out that great.

By the time we got back, the sun was setting...
Day 2 ~ Exploring...
This is not our #shade structure but was a color capture for this summers #ClickinMomsHunt19. I loved the balloons, though! |
My favorite part...
I think there are 37 sites available on the beach. We weren't fortunate to get one of these sites this time, however, the wonderful neighbors shared the tricks on how.
When we were here in January, there was a large berm between the park and the ocean.
Had no idea they level it for the summer months, but so happy they do.
Next July, we will be a part of this row! |
In the distance, you can see the Imperial Pier, which is where the festival is Saturday. |
The programs they offer are great! |
The walk is pleasant, and the views are tremendously beautiful! |
There are actually three tunnels connecting the beachside to the bayside. |
Coming or going north, The Coronado Inn, is along the drive. |
The Walgreens in Coronado wasn't big enough to carry what we needed, (another forgotten item) so we had to go across the bay to a larger one where we were successful. |
When we left, four kite surfers were playing on the waves. We enjoyed watching them for a bit, and they were still having fun when we got back. |
Instead of turning into the campgrounds, hubby wanted to check out, more like reacquaint himself, to the area before it's packed with
beachgoers and sandcastle builders on Saturday. |
Our neighbor had their kite up, bringing excitement to my thoughts of our grandson will have so much fun flying his the next day. |
The sun was hiding behind the marine layer! |
Day 3 ~ La Jolla
Watching the sea lions bask on the rock in the surf... |
...some appeared to be sunbathing... |
...this one seemed to be poised for a picture... |
Seems all they do is sunbathe and use each other as pillows! |
The Spruce Street Suspension Bridge that I willing walked across this time!
The two men who have my heart! |
Finally, a glorious sunset! |
With our oldest, soon to be eighteen, grandson! It's gone by so fast. |
Day 4 ~ Sun & Sea Festival
My yearly picture of the pier. It never changes, but the people who have walked down it, have. All a year older, some may be wiser, some new parents, some might have just gotten married. |
I wonder what he, our youngest grandson is thinking about, as he's gazing at that waves and the reach his feet! |
The sun never did come for the Sun & Sea Festival this year. We weren't complaining though, knowing what the temps were at home. Once the horn had blown for the completion of the sandcastles building, we went up and viewed them, then packed up and headed back to our beach campground for dinner.
This grand wasn't done, though!
So I showed him where to build his own sandcastle with a moat...
And it worked...
Until a BIG wave...
...just about wiped it out... big brother held the parasol in place with the next big wave...
And the sandcastle was no more!
The perfect shot of a day we won't ever forget! |
Next year, the theme is, Beach Blanket Bingo, and we are already looking at what vintage wear we would love to find or make!
It's going to be so much fun!
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