Friday, July 19, 2019

Five-Minute-Friday ~ Distant

The prompt for Five-Minute-Friday this week is: Distant.


The perfect word prompt for this week!

Distant; far away in space or time! 

That describes how three astronauts felt on July 16, 1969, at 6:32 AM, when they lifted off from Cape Canaveral on a mission to land on the moon. 

Tomorrow, July 20th at 4:13 EDT, marks the fiftieth anniversary of when two of them, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, stepped on the moon for the first time.

Distant: (of a person) not intimate; cool or reserved. Keeping people at arm's length. Detached. 

I was 12 years old, and we would have just gotten home from church, and was probably sitting in front of the television watching it live, as it had more than likely preempted any programs that were already on. I just don't remember feeling anything about this monumental step in our history. 

I might have even rebelling about it being on. It's about the age I was when I began being distant from my family. That age when you realize things aren't as they appear. Questions, so many questions of what I was trying to understand came with answers that made no sense. The beginning of when one realizes secrets are hidden, and truths are covered up, and you're a liar!

For our country, it marks an incredible milestone. 

For some, it's a reminder of a time when the truth was a distant thing as well! 

For me, it was a time I didn't know what would be ahead or of how others didn't know how to understand. Simply put, it just wasn't talked about!

Facing the truth, hurt. 


Since then, my life has been full of triggers! Even an anniversary such as this can bring up unwanted memories and reactions. As an adult, I have learned how to handle them differently than that 12-year-old child could. 

By the grace of God, that time, those years, some foggy, yet others are as plain as day, allow me to be an influence to other young girls who unfortunately had similar experiences.

Why, after all these years are we still a country, a state, a town, a family, dealing with something that is so easily swept under the rug when technology has given us a tool to help prevent it but doesn't stop it. 

It affects me to my soul when I read or see a newscast of yet another young girl being assaulted!


"God, please, help these young girls find their way through that darkness, so that they can see your glory and grace, for a life full of love and honor. Without you in my life, I wouldn't be where I am. Thank you for sending your Son, for cleansing me of the sins I committed when I was in that same place. Show them the light I was shown so that they can find their way to you." 

Sometimes, words take me on a journey, so unexpected, yet deep within my being. This weeks word did that.

Click this link to visit Kate's blog.
Click this link if you want to join us.
Click this link if you want to read what other's wrote on the prompt. 

See ya' next week!


  1. Oh, there's so much going on in your post! I was younger than you (7 years old) when this event happened. but I sure do remember that era in my own life and having some of the same emotions you write about here. Praise God He reaches through and touches our lives with His grace and glory. Thanks for this thought provoking post!
    Your neighbor #27 FMF

    1. Thank you. I didn't give Him praise at the time, it took time, not to mention years to see that He was there with me all along.

  2. I'm sorry this brings up such painful memories for you, but I'm glad you've known God's love and grace and that you see him using your experiences to enable you to help others. Visiting from FMF #14.

    1. They're not really painful anymore, the years have healed what was once broken, but the memories, they are hard to forget. Sometimes we don't get to choose our calling.

  3. Isn't it interesting the things (often the smallest, seeminly insignificant or unrelated things) that can take us right back? So glad for the victory that is ours over the past - and that I am not held captive by it any longer.

    1. Thank you, Jennifer. Yes, you are so right, yet to help others they need to the stories of how the light was found, so they too can be free.

  4. I can't begin to tell you the feelings I had when reading your post. My heart is with you..

    1. And mine is with you. Thank you for stopping by.


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