Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Things They Are A Changin'

Shutting down Google+ for consumer (personal) accounts on April 2, 2019...more

You can still follow us at Bloglovin...

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

And of course through Blogspot.

My new site on WordPress is coming along, still under construction, still so much to learn and figure out.

Learning remains to be the main ingredient of my life.

Now if I could just get it to stick, and stay longer, LOL!

Seems we are heading into another storm...

Even as we got closer, I thought, yep...

That storm cell is heading right in the direction of our destination. Rain at a cattle ranch equals 'mud'! 

Fortunately, we missed it! 

Just like I will miss google+.

Seems things they are changin' again... 


  1. Yea, Google+ may give issues when it leaves but hope our readers stay around. Good thing my photos are on Goggle ....ones from my phone. Enjoy your trip. We had an inch of snow Tues. A bit cold this a.m. Take care!

  2. A lot of my comments are already gone, along with who is following me. Just when I am getting comfortable, things change.

    It was just a day trip, kind of stunk! One place the rain doesn't let it smell all so fresh!


A penny for your thoughts...


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