Timer set - GO!
I am inspired by so many!
I never thought that I could inspire anyone.
With the many nurses, I have had to care for me. Those talks between us not only inspired me, but I am told I inspired them. Bless their hearts. I just share with them what is comfortable. I answer their questions to the best of my ability, addressing that maybe others might be better at it then I am. And with that, came more assurance that it was me, and the part of my story that I had shared that inspired them.
I've been inspired by other women who have gone through a similar journey.
I was blessed to be inspired by my mother-in-law. She helped me grow through times my mother didn't know how. My mother-in-law would encourage me to go see her. Share with her what I could. It was the beginning of a new relationship.
They became the best times I remember with my mom.
These two women, not only inspired me, but I inspired them.
When I began Bible Study back in 2008, Beth Moore intimidated me, though she inspired me. As I grew stronger, I began to take her studies. Yes, she has a lot of homework, which is why she intimidated me. How do I answer these personal questions? Did I get the right answer or understand where it was in the Bible. At first, I felt like I was the only one in the room who couldn't find the correct book of the bible. During open discussion, which I kept quiet for a long time, I was inspired by the answers other gave. Other than having the correct Bible verse, most of them had a hard time with the questions as well. It took time, but eventually, I began to open up and share my answers, right or wrong, they became part of the discussion, bringing closure, lifting spirits, or shedding tears.
But most of all I was inspiring!
Oh, and I no longer stumble, looking up a Book of the Bible!
Beep, beep, STOP!
What didn't fit into that five-minutes...
I am inspired by my children!
I believe I inspire them.
I am inspired by my hubby.
I believe I inspire him.
God inspires me.
And I believe I inspire Him!
Who helped you say all of this? Who inspired you?”
This post is part of the 31-Day of Five Minute Free Writes challenge link-up.
Today's writing prompt was "Inspire."
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