How do I want to tell my story?
Answer: However God directs me.
Ready. Set. Go...
That had always been a lingering question for me.
I love to write (I've been working on this project for 3 years now)
or get a completed a book done someday.
Actually, I have penned, typed, and journaled since 2007.
I have a substantial amount of notes, ideas, and pictures to add to it.
Trying to decide if I want it to be a series of books since there was a series of events where each one drew me closer to God.
Maybe something for the young reader.
Or something for young teens.
Maybe it will help young adults.
Then what type:
Then I wouldn't have to worry about the backlash.
Based on True Facts?
Could cause a problem.
Someone will challenge it!
A Self-Help?
A Christian Book.
At this point, I still don't know where it belongs.
Kind of like me.
But together, we can figure it out.
I had been approached a few years back about writing my story for a Christian Publisher.
It really got my spirits up.
That someone had read something of mine and thought it was worth sharing in a book?
I began to be more serious about it, then more health issues set me back a bit.
During one of their calls, I expressed my concerns,
and they were put to ease when they explained how they could help.
Whenever I am ready they are there for me.
Just like God!
All I have to do is make that call.
Which still gets my tummy rumbling!
It's not just the call holding me back.
Some are not happy with me writing about our family secrets for the world to read.
Until I can figure out how God wants me to write it, it stays right where it is, in limbo!
I know that through every turn, even the stumbles and tumbles
God will be right there guiding me.
Beep, beep, STOP!
Thankful when I am adding to the rough draft of this book, I won't be up against a timer!
For some reason, it freezes my thoughts.
Then when the timer beeps, I am actually startled by it.
This post is part of the 31-Day of Five Minute Free Writes challenge link-up.
Answer: However God directs me.
Ready. Set. Go...
That had always been a lingering question for me.
I love to write (I've been working on this project for 3 years now)
or get a completed a book done someday.
Actually, I have penned, typed, and journaled since 2007.
I have a substantial amount of notes, ideas, and pictures to add to it.
Trying to decide if I want it to be a series of books since there was a series of events where each one drew me closer to God.
Maybe something for the young reader.
Or something for young teens.
Maybe it will help young adults.
Then what type:
Then I wouldn't have to worry about the backlash.
Based on True Facts?
Could cause a problem.
Someone will challenge it!
A Self-Help?
A Christian Book.
At this point, I still don't know where it belongs.
Kind of like me.
But together, we can figure it out.
I had been approached a few years back about writing my story for a Christian Publisher.
It really got my spirits up.
That someone had read something of mine and thought it was worth sharing in a book?
I began to be more serious about it, then more health issues set me back a bit.
During one of their calls, I expressed my concerns,
and they were put to ease when they explained how they could help.
Whenever I am ready they are there for me.
Just like God!
All I have to do is make that call.
Which still gets my tummy rumbling!
It's not just the call holding me back.
Some are not happy with me writing about our family secrets for the world to read.
Until I can figure out how God wants me to write it, it stays right where it is, in limbo!
I know that through every turn, even the stumbles and tumbles
God will be right there guiding me.
Beep, beep, STOP!
Thankful when I am adding to the rough draft of this book, I won't be up against a timer!
For some reason, it freezes my thoughts.
Then when the timer beeps, I am actually startled by it.
This post is part of the 31-Day of Five Minute Free Writes challenge link-up.
Today's writing prompt was "How."
For more information on the challenge click here.
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