What has the Lord taught you or shown you through this exercise?
I did it!
31 days done!
On the mark,
get set,
I am not surprised I was able to put something together every day!
After all, when I set my mind to something, I give it my all!
And boy, can my mind wander!
God does a great job of keeping me on the path whether I see it or not. As I wander, I am absorbing everything, engaging with strangers, even when they give me a look of, "Who are you? I don't know you." Just apologize and move on. Not everyone wants to believe He has a purpose. That someone you don't know can make a difference.
Sometimes it was about the prompt on how to write my story.
Sometimes it had nothing to do with writing my story.
Sometimes I might have missed the point of the challenge completely!
But I can say that over these last 31 days, I was able to find the time to at least try, without worry as to how it came out. Trusting the Lord was helping me share whatever it was I needed to share.
Honestly, the way my mind works or doesn't these days, make me self-conscious. I wonder, can they tell?
Do some say, "How is she ever going to write a book with writing like this?"
Believe me, I question myself.
Then a prompt appears, and for some reason, it makes a light come on.
I let the timer continue to beep as I tried to finish that last thought,
for the last time in this series. Stop!
You see, God loves me just the way I am!
He knows the struggles, and knows I persevere on!
What I know is this is, this was to be raw, and free writing, no editing!
This series gave the child in me a voice. The teen in me see the doors He had put in place. Understanding that as a young adult I took chances and was inspired by the positive people and things that were in front of me. I did believe in myself, or I wouldn't be where I am or who I am. I know for a fact, none of this would have been possible without Him in me first.
I had to learn how to love God first, then myself, then others. When I finally put Him at the top of the list, things started happening. What I have learned through this series, through the other Christian writers I have the pleasure of reading, is we all have Him in front of us. We all write to show others the work He has done in us, in order for us to share with others praying they can reach the same place.
This blog has always been about our journey. Not always correctly punctuated or with proper grammar. But it's me, it's our journey, and we have enjoyed every step, stage, set-back, and every mile of it!
Until my story goes to a publisher, and hopefully public, it will be the only thing edited by others who are better at this writing thing than me. When that ever happens, this blog will still be mine, with all its mistakes.
The new blog that has been under construction for almost 2 years will be about Him, and how He created me to tell my story! I will have someone else doing its editing, and promoting of my story. I've learned I am not going to be doing this alone.
Shesh, that is a scary concept but in a good way!
It will be there you'll learn more of a little girl who knew things weren't right because the Bible told her so!
Thank you, Kate, for your inspiration and challenge. I hope to participate again.
This post is part of the 31-Day of Five Minute Free Writes challenge link-up.
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