I mean, go!
I can be a bit OC when it comes to capturing a photo of so many moments.
Click, and a moment can be remembered at forever!
Even when you forget it happened, a search through photos can remind me of that time. It can bring about sharing where the photo was taken, when, with who, what was going on maybe before or after.
It's also been how I have documented, Our Journey Through, LIFE!
On the days there were no photos, there is always a good reason, even if the reason wasn't something good. Life just happens with or without a camera in hand
Some days I don't look very good.
Which is why you see very few photos of me.
I'm more comfortable behind the camera than in front of it.
As I stand there, I whisper to whoever is next to me, "Do I look okay!"
Or, I lip it to my hubby if he's not in it.
My daughter is another life saver. Since the beginning of my illness, I have asked her to please make sure I look good! There will come a time I might not be able to. Like when I broke my shoulder, and she brings me designer hospital gowns and hair accessories!
When we are at a function, we tend to ask each other before going in, "Do I Look good!"
Of course, that five minutes had nothing to do with learning how to share my story. I wrote on the prompt before I went to capture Kate's photo for it.
I really like her photo prompts.
I began using Grammarly a couple years ago. LOVE it!
She also suggested we come up with 10-12 chapters titles.
That was easy. I already had that many and more figured out.
She introduced Scrivener to the group.
I am really excited to check out this out!
What a help it could be.
I've contemplated enrolling in a course out at the college, but I might not be able to keep up with it. The drive, the walk, shoot, even getting ready could be a problem on some days. Of course, there are many online resources as well. A self-learning program is a good option for me right now. Something I can do at my pace and not have to keep up with any other expectations but my own.
Before any of that, I have our 10th Annual Boo Bash this weekend, and I've been getting some fall color planted. Some of it will do double duty as our next adventure begins 10 days later.
This post is part of the 31-Day of Five Minute Free Writes challenge link-up.
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