Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Five-Minute-Friday ~ 31 Day Challenge for October ~ Pause

Let's get started with, GO...

Mercy Gilbert Medical Center cared for my son back in 2011.

This was our view of the healing tree from his room.

It was there that I learned to...

Pause, for however long it takes.

Reflect upon everything and anything.

Heal through Gods love!

Since then, we have had to pause numerous times for one thing or another.
We might not have understood it at the time.
Sometimes we might have questioned why.
But whenever we look back, we can see that God had it under control.

Sunrises and sunsets are my favorite times to reflect.
First on what the day could be.
Then on what the day was.
Sometimes we are to busy to stop and reflect.

Then, a moment comes, when we can enjoy the show in the sky.
It's then that we reflect on the time since the last one.
It's not always on the beach.
Sometimes it's happening as we drive down the street.
I can't capture them all.
Some I might not get to see because of clouds.
Yet the cloud cover adds color.


This post is part of the 31-Day of Five Minute Free Writes challenge link-up.  

For more information on the challenge click here.

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