Monday, October 15, 2018

Five-Minute-Friday ~ 31 Day Challenge for October ~ When

Oh, that's a good question, when?


When will I pull it together and send it off?

When will it be the right time?

When will I know if they are happy with it?

The answer for me is when God sends me in that direction.
I learned it can't be pushed or rushed.
There are many things to know or do first.
I got all excited a few years back when a publisher called after I had submitted a portion of my story. After many conversations, I got scared. 
Then disappointed because I couldn't meet their deadline.
I was reminded that it was my deadline, not theirs.
They were, and still are willing to help when I am ready.
My concern for others also came into the picture. 
A fury of not only when, but the how's, who's, and what's entered into my thinking. 

When I began to think it is still a possibility,
I then bring in my lack of confidence into the equation. 
When I felt things were well over my head, I withdrew.
"When" seems to hover over me like a drone! 
When will I stop tearing myself down?
Before I clung onto doubt, I use to hitch-hike for guilt.
Took me years to stop hitchhiking for guilt, or did I just change corners?
It's time to stop standing in the corners.
It's time to turn that "when" into a now!
When I set my mind on something, I can usually get things done.
The only difference, it is taking longer these days.
If only the days were longer as well.


I know this, the time will be right when it's right with GOD!
He knows when and how this story will get out.
He knows when we will get through all this and
He knows when I will be able to share that story.

In the meantime, when I share a snippet, know I am moving one step closer to the goal.

This post is part of the 31-Day of Five Minute Free Writes challenge link-up.  

For more information on the challenge click here.


  1. SO MUCH OF THIS! I wrote a very personal post, in a cloud of doubt, then after I published someone asked a question that I was not ready for, when I got back to my post I realized I had totally misspoke what I had intended and it put a very wrong spin on what I was trying to say. YEIKS! I went back and fixed it and answered the question. I had already written the next posts so that was published, but then the question, and doubt, and embarrassment from not reading over the post more carefully... I missed my "when" post, dwelling on the "praise" post. And the doubt that crept in saying I should just stop now while I'm ahead. LOL I needed to see your post here. Thank you for sharing! I may actually get all 31 even if that one is a day late. Your FMF 31-day neighbor #5

    1. You are so sweet! I'm glad my words were useful. I so doubt myself, then pray, and doubt some more. God has to have a sense a humor when it comes to me, LOL! So glad He loves me.

  2. "When" will I keep up with my house and get off the computer and cellphone? "When" will I get my projects finished that I started? Always something that pulls me out of where/what I should be doing. Glad I can get myself back on track and stay there. Yes...God nudges me and I listen. Thanks for sharing your thoughts in words .Hope you book comes into reality!!

    1. Some days I hope right along with you, other days that doubt is buzzing me. WHEN will I rip that controller out of my hands and fly it into a wall! God knows I work on it daily sometimes.


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