Seems Friday has turned into Monday once again for me!
It was an interesting end to a week that began with many blessings. I didn't want to boggle my mind over the weekend with anything else other than those things that won't be changing. I need to just take it slow and steady for right now. The one thing I do know right now, is "He is that Steady!"
Yes, He is!
Yes, He does!
Over the last month we, and that really means my daughter, has been jumping through hoops, dotting other's i's, and not getting cross over their t's not being crossed, with the insurance company. I can only watch in awe as she continues to advocate for me as she navigates this crazy healthcare system. We now have dates for scans and referrals to doctors that will help get us started to wherever we are heading.
Steady, the road ahead just might get a bit bumpy!
Ready, set, Go!
I don't know what this journey would be like without Him.
At a young age, Jesus captured me and has held on tight ever since. Even when I didn't include Him in my life, He was still there and He knew the day would come when my life would be all His.
It hasn't been easy and it's even been a bit crazy at times. I wouldn't say I turned my back on Him through those time, but I can say had I given Him more of the burdens He would have gladly taken them from me. Silly me didn't want to burden Him or anyone. But oh no, instead I took my burdens upon myself and tried to deal with them the best I could. Well, that really didn't work out all that well.
When I decided I couldn't do this without Him and excepted wherever this path would take me as His, He continually answered my prayers in a way only He does. They might not have been the answers I was looking for but when I looked back at it through what His plan had been, it made sense.
To get here I had to be there.
To get there can only be with Him.
Even when I am so weak or tired, one pray, one praise, He delivers strength that enables me to continue on. He already knows what He plans to do, and waits patiently for my human form to catch on, react, share or spread His words in a way so that others might find the same with Him as well.
Isn't that what He wants from us?
To be stewards of Him?
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
This journey I have been on has allowed me to share with others in ways I couldn't have had I not been going through what I have. As you reach out to even one person as He needs you, it's a blessing to watch how His words and works can take things to a whole new level.
Elizabeth, health things can sap the spirit, can't they? I appreciate the reminder that we really can't do much without Jesus. He is the one who steadies us in the midst of waiting and uncertainty. Thanks for sharing a bit of your story!