Four to be exact!
What better week to jump back in, then with inspire.
Ready. Set. Go!
Over the last month, I have been inspired in so many ways. Facing an unknown can rattle me in such a way that I just dive head first into my bible.
Each week as I checked in to see what the prompt was for that week, then prepared to write my five minutes, I wasn't one bit surprised when blah, blah, blah, blah, blah was all I was able to muster. Words were just going out of my mind and in every direction. Making any sense wasn't even close.
In fact, I haven't even written about our adventures in over a month! Being vague right now is all I can be until we know exactly what we are facing and how we will be inspired to get through it. Every prayer is that it will all be something simple. Prayers that the right people are contacted to assure the best outcome possible.
God sends us messages all the time. It's up to us to hear and see them.
Being faithful, going to church, praying and participating in bible study is just the beginning of what He wants us to be inspired by. I believe He also wants us to inspire others with His words through our words. Sharing how His answered prayers have strengthened us to go after what His plan is for us. Through trials and errors, as we learn how to navigate a particular path, sharing how faith got us from point A to point B, sets an example of the work others might have to go through to get to their destination as well.
I can look back over the last 50 years that got me to here, and I can still see the many faces and remember the many words that inspired me.
I am not breaking the rules! In editing this post from last week, I did not touch a single word in my five minutes. I just wanted to separate my update of our journey from what I am inspired by.
God has and will always will be my number one inspirer.
Throughout my 10 years of blogging, I have been inspired by so many wonderful writers, photographers, grandma's, mom's, crafter's, gardener's, and some really awesome Christians. Every visit brought new insight and inspiration during times of searching for answers, reasons, and why's to then the how's. Growth doesn't happen without some type of water. All of those things that have inspired me, has been my water for my soul.
After 40+ years in the water business, 23 of that as owners, growing through the many different changes in business to new technoglogy, we wouldn't have or be where we are without the inspiration of so many. Everyday, be it a customer or a colliege, someone has given us something that inspired us.
Thanks for stopping by to read about Our Journey Through LIFE! I really appreciate you visiting, and if you leave I comment that you were here, I will visit your blog as well. If you're not familiar with Five Minute Friday, click the link at the beginning and check out what others have written.
See you next week.
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