Romans 8:24-26(ESV)
24 For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? 25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.
I needed PATIENCE over my seeds sprouting!

I was two weeks late getting my pumpkin seeds started. After 10 days I still hadn't seen any sign of sprouts. I thought maybe it was just to hot and that the seeds I planted had baked in our oven of a desert. Saying I was just a bit frustrated is an understatement. However I will not be defeated. I grab some more seeds and using the same pods, I replanted them. A week later I had spouts. Great! Not so perfect timing as we were going out of town for the week, soI over watered them to assure they didn't dry out by the time we get home. What I saw when we got home, not only did they get bigger but even more sprouted. Some of those baked seeds survived, wahoo! They all got transplanted into the garden yesterday. 16 pumpkin plants, possibly producing 3-5 pumpkins each means I could have approximately 48-80 pumpkins. There is a good chance they might not be fully grown by Halloween but we can be patient and hope for the best, right! Always thankful Walmart sells their pumpkins pretty cheap so I can just fill it in if needed for our 8th Annual Boo Bash Pumpkin Patch.

Patience was also needed for arranging that time to get away. Giving it up in prayer allowed others to do what they do, and what a great job they did! It wasn't a long time, just 4 days of a short week, but it was a time that was so needed and oh, how refreshing it was!
We didn't go far, just over the mountain, as we say!
We stayed at the Mission Bay RV Resort in San diego, which is across the bay from Campland on the Bay. It's more like a RV Park-ing lot then a resort but it was clean, had large, leveled spaces, and the location was perfect for the things we wanted to do. Oh, and the people, they were pretty awesome too.
I just LOVED our spot!
We got there just in time for the sunset. Well, it's there behind that marine layer.
Our first full day we wanted to head back to
Cabrillo National Monument and the
Point Loma Tide Pools. Even getting there at 9 AM when they opened wasn't early enough to see the tide pools. We talked with a ranger and learned when the best time is. The fall and winter months have the minus tides needed to see the pools. Maybe after the New Year we might try another day trip. We'll see. We'll be
patient though, yay never know if the third time will be the charm, right!
What an awesome place! I wanted to go down to the beach to be up close and personal with some of the seals but NO DOGS are allowed
I also contemplated going down to the bottom of the cave, but the 145 steps that take you down are a lot different coming up! Not to mention the narrow passage that you must go through to get there is a bit intimidating for someone who is a little claustrophobic.
We were going to eat somewhere around there but none of the places were dog friendly. A snack and water till we got back to the RV would have to do.
Once again the marine layer interfered with our sunset. Bella had a good time walking on the beach. Dogs were allowed on Mission Beach after 6 PM so long as they are on a leash. We strolled the boardwalk and did a lot of people watching.
Have you seen the movie
"Cocoon"? The spot light the sun shined on the ocean made us think of it. It only lasted a few minutes so I was thrilled when a seagull flew into my view adding the special touch to the photo. All we needed was a boat.
Our last full day began the same way it had ended the evening before. The marine layer still hovered over us and hubby dealing with the truck. On the way back to the RV a warning light came on that the battery wasn't charging. While hubby turned off everything except the headlights, I read the manual by the phone flashlight. He didn't need me to, cause he knew what was wrong, it was the alternator, but he listened as I read aloud which was helping me understand and settle my nerves. Not wanting to drive it to get the part, he asked a security guard if it was possible to get a ride. It just so happened his shift was ending. Perfect timing or God?
Fortunately it was an easy fix and we were able to continue on with our plans. I just love this man. He can be so patient in most stressful situations.
Before we left I had searched for odd and unusual things to see in San Diego. I couldn't believe all that I found.
Like there is this wire artist, Spencer Little, who creates pieces that he then attaches to street light polls. The picture on the right was taken by Crosby Dock , November, 2015.
There are eight of the fanciful portraits altogether – four in the vicinity of University and Wabash avenues and four along Fairmount Avenue near Orange and Polk avenues - and they all went went up in mid-June, Little said."
We decided not to go looking for the wire art this trip.

The same with
Harper's Topiaries. Edna Harper has been sculpting her shrubs for 15 years. Wow! I'll let you know when we make it by to see her art.
If you know me, heights are up there with being claustrophobic!
70 feet above the canyon and 375 feet end to end. Add with the moving up and down and the swaying back and forth, my stepping onto that bridge was an act of faith and trust. I read how safe it was so that calmed me some. Oh, if you make it there, take a lock, paint it up, lock it on a cable, make a wish, kiss and throw the key into the canyon below.
Our next stop was a beach that Bella could enjoy as well. And boy did she! In case you want to know it was
The Dog Beach at Ocean Beach. Beware, the approach to it is very overwhelming with dog urine as ever male must pee on the light poles and garbage cans on their way in and out. Once you get out on the beach, it's a dogs paradise! Bella has never been off her lead, EVER! After a few minutes, and many other dog owners being
patient with us, (it kept getting in the way) I took a leap of faith and unhooked her. SHE LOVED IT!
For over an hour she ran, jumped, swam, played, and had the best time. Once her lead was off, and I was throwing a ball for her, the camera had to be handed off. I was surprised later that hubby had clicked some pictures of us playing. Awe, how sweet of him. By the time we left my cropped pants that I kept rolling up were soaked. When I tried to put Bella's lead back on, she didn't want it back on. It was so funny!
Afterwards we found a nice place to eat lunch further down Ocean Beach where it didn't matter how wet and sandy we were. We will surely be visiting this beach again. Next time we are going better prepared to hang out longer.
After lunch we went and found
Chicano Park. Why? For the art!
It turned out to be the best afternoon ever!
That is till the sunset. NO marine layer!
Finally being patient paid off! I finally got the sun sizzling on the ocean. Now that made it the best day ever!
Even the next morning, when once again there was that darn marine layer obscuring my view of yet another sunrise, being patient and waiting another 35 minutes allowed me to capture this.
What a wonderful time we had.
Oh, and remember how patient we had been over those bids. This gets installed next week...
Hubby will need to hold onto that patience a bit longer. See that note describing what the CARRIER shouldn't do, well they did. The crate was damaged, the shrink wrap was off, and until the system can be checked out for leaks from damage, he won't know the extent of it. There are reasons why special handling is needed and labeled. Ignoring the labels is not an excuse for mishandling.

Then there was the
patience we had to have over that "CRAZY" reconstruction. Glad to say we signed the completion certificate yesterday and it is officially over and done! I love the new flooring and the dishwasher will be installed this weekend. YAY!
Finally, it takes a lot of
patience to wait fr the perfect time to click the camera at just right second to capture the hummingbird feeding off my
Mexican Bird of Paradise. I had been trying to capture this for a while now. My bushes have been so vibrant this year. Oh, and more hummingbirds have shown up. Today there were 5 flying around at one time. There might even be a few more as I can't keep track of them as I count.