With no reconstruction happening today,
I was able to get a few things accomplished by noon!
Outside watering doesn't take long these days
since most of my flowers fried when it hit 115+ degrees.
With the cabinets in place and no workers,
it gave me the perfect opportunity to clean out the draws.
Before the family arrived I had cleaned out a few cabinets already with the
intention to continue with the draws after they had left.
Well, we all know what happened that caused a snag in that, don't we!
Now was the perfect time to finally go through and throw out
or place aside for donation items not needed anymore.
Like baby spoons and forks since all the "Grand's" are now in school!
The youngest reminds me often he's a BIG boy now!
I can't believe the last three "Grand's" started Kindergarten this year,
while the oldest "Grand" started High School.
Three others started Jr. High, and are on the crest of being 13.
These years are going by faster and faster!
How do I slow them down?
I can't!
It's just how it works.
With school starting means that Autumn is also just round the corner.
With all my dishes spread out on the table,
it inspired me to search for some creative tablescape ideas for Autumn.
I have been following a blog for many years that has always been my "go to" place.

Of course she sets the perfect table, but on Thursdays,
she does a link up that has oh so many more table ideas to explore.
A girl can get lost in cyber dreams from all those
wonderful tables with all those beautiful dishes.
I just LOVE dishes!
It was time to end my day dreaming search break
before I got to far off of other goals for today, that also includes Autumn.
While at Home Depot I had picked up some more seeds.
I knew I needed to get the pumpkins started by the end of July to have pumpkins by Halloween.
I just wasn't planning on a flood though.
I started some seeds just before the family arrived, but the birds that make my yard sing, also steal seeds!I have already started my second set of seeds, this time in small containers and will transfer them into the garden when they are bigger and when it's not so hot outside to make sure they don't die on me. Right now I have them in my window sill till they germinate. If all goes well, I should have a good assortment of pumpkins, white and orange, to small and large, even some bumpy ones. Each child at the Boo Bash will hopefully get to take home a pumpkin.
They can paint it or carve it if they choose too as well.
I've had pumpkins for prizes before. I've used them for ring toss games and of course for the photo shoot area. Now is a good of time as any to try to grow some again creating the "GRAND" Pumpkin Patch. Two years ago I got about a dozen but because I had planted them to early, the pumpkins didn't make it to Halloween. I learned I could have brought them into the house
where it was cooler and they would have.
A mistake I will not make again.
Let's hope the seeds germinating create the pumpkin patch I hope it does.
Each morning I get another patch of the garden ready for them.
With that under control, I began making my list.
The Boo Bash is just around the corner.
Less then 80 days to be exact!
As fast as time has been moving, it will be here before we know it.
Time to check out which games need updated or repaired.
What supplies need replenished.
Pull out the ones that need repainted.
And most important, a plan, a layout of how it should come together.
Since vacation has been delayed, yes, you read that correctly.
I will have some time to fill, making the perfect distraction.
When a commercial job lands in your lap, not one - but two,
you understand and make the best of it.
I'm disappointed! Who wouldn't be.
We've been trying to get away all summer. One day was not enough!
I'm really trying, I really am!
But sometimes it just overwhelms me.
I'm praying very hard, that I continue to trust through this next bump in the road!
The summer has had a few of them.
After all, bumps have always been a part of Our Journey Through LIFE!
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