A Catholic burial is a three day process, Rosary, Mass, Burial.
Today is the Mass for the man with a golden heart.
On our way to the church we came upon this truck. This the company we were with in the beginning of our Journey before we bought our own almost 20 years ago. Kind of iconic to see this on our way to a place I hadn’t been in a long time…Yes, there is a God, he puts signs in front of us all the time to help us in our direction…this was one…remembering where you came from, the love and support, and appreciate where it took you.
As I sat there in a church that I hadn’t been in since my Mom’s, then brother’s passing, (actually theirs were at a different church) a flood of memories came over me, as this was the church I was raised in, and even went to school at. The older nuns remembered me and blessed me. I always get the feeling these ladies knew exactly what I went through, and believe they prayed for me during it, and because of them and others, I overcame and conquered.
What doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger….so true!
A Catholic Mass can last about an hour, but this one could have lasted so much longer and no hands on a clock mattered. The love this man had shared and the many lives he effected was never ending and I really wanted to hear more, feel more, love him even more! He was a part of my mom, and now they were together, embraced above us, watching over as we celebrate the life he had.
The reception after was so lovely. More stories and love was to be shared that afternoon. Son’s, daughter’s, grandchildren, great grandchildren, niece's, nephew’s, cousins, siblings all demonstrate a love that is genuine and forever. I have always felt at home with my moms side of the family and they have always helped me to understand so much. Without that side, fueling my faith, keeping God so close, my Journey Through LIFE would not have been the same.
Tomorrow we say our final good-bye’s.
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