Tuesday, July 26, 2011

As if...

...we haven't had our fare share of life around here lately.

Though we continue to embrace all the positive things that have risen far and above any of the negative, but really, can we just for a while not wake up to a day where we have to navigate around it.

As if...

Orders being messed up, for a rather LARGE commerical job for our business, from a vendor who dropped the ball, which caused delays, which could result in penalties for not finishing on time....wasn't enough!

As if...

Your service trucks drive line breaking while in service, causing the frame to break, requiring it to be towed, resulting in an emergency repairs so to baby it along, while researching options to replace it....was needed right now!

As if...

The huge pump truck, that was coming in for the above job, knew it would break down in route, delaying it a day...was what they needed also. Blessings in disguised...it gave time to fix the the drive line in the service truck though.

As if...

We planned for the toilet in the master bath to break. Thankfully it was a quick and cheap fix, but still required the added trip to the hardware store that he had already been to, how many times already that day?

As if...

We should have known the toilet breaking was just the beginning of other things to follow suit. More light bulbs burning out, shower heads needing replaced, dish washer having issues, ice machine leaking, and to add to all it, now the septic problems of today. Great thing to find out while in the shower!

As if...

One would think a week of that would be enough, but no! Right in the middle of all that, it seems something else just had to happen that needed to be dealt with. Just one more thing...really...why not...I mean...bring it on,  I can deal with it!

My computer crashed, burned, and is offically dead!

Praise God my hubby took me out that very evening and bought me a new one, but...

As if...

I don't know it is just a material item. After all it was just a laptop. Sure it had some of my journeling on it and all my pictures for the year, (thankfully I moved years of pictures to an external hard drive and only kept current ones on it) but I have learned from past experiences, these can be recovered.

However for 6 years that laptop traveled this journey with me. It went everywhere with me. It held some of my most deepest thoughts and secrets (shh, don't tell). Not just the ones I kept in a file, or thoughts shared here, but ones that I would write while traveling, while waiting, while going through this or that, to him or her, ones to get the junk out of my trunk so my load was a bit lighter. During these times I would write, and write, and write even more, like therapy writing. Words no one would ever read. Words I hope I would never have to say. (ok,so I have put my foot in my mouth a few times, hence why I write and delete it!) They would only be saved until they were no longer needed. Discarded like a bad book. But though deleted or what will be recovered, the keys that were pressed, the top that was shut when I had had enough, that laptop will no longer be a part of it.

As if...

My fingers don't already miss how they danced across that key pad with ease. It didn't have a backspace tab anymore, but it still worked. It didn't have a camera, but was going to get one so to skype. It didn't have GB's of space, thus the external. But it was my BF!

I am now forced, pushed, thrown into learning a new laptop with new functions, different keys, and those keys, when pressed, even feel differently. Kind of like life, right.

As if...

Lately we all haven't had some new things, things to get through other things, things that take us to more new things happening around us.

It's Our Journey Through LIFE and

As If...

 this little guy just doesn't make the journey blessed...

Friday, July 8, 2011

How We Spent Our 4th of July!

I had not prepared or planned any type of celebration until the 30th when our son and "K" texted that they were coming for the weekend.

REALLY! I mean, of course, we'd love to have you!

This would be his first trip from home that didn't include going to doctor's. We were honored for his first outing to be to here. After all, for the last 3 months we have been traveling over to him every weekend, sometimes longer depending on his needs, and this was going to be our first weekend home in a while. What we had planned on was catching up on housework and yard work. So with the news of house guest, we quickly got our butt's in gear.

The guest house hadn't seen guest in months except for a few spiders that thought they had found a nice new home. Armed with all the supplies I decided to tackle it first. All went well until time to clean the bath and no light. Went up to the main house, grabbed a new bulb (light requires 3 of those round type bulbs but I only had one), folded the laundry, put everything in the basket and headed back out. Put the bulb in...and nothing. That little thingy dingy that is suppose to connect between the other thingies was just dangling there. GREAT! Another trip to the store!

In the meantime I went about pulling out some of my 4th decorations. I had to at least make it feel like the 4th. Since working outside was going to be difficult because of the HIGH temperatures, I cleaned the patio and furniture well into the night.

Up early Friday morning to first check on this little one who was having surgery at 8 AM.

Nothing serious, Praise God! At first our fears were there until the doctors at Children's Hospital in Denver assured our son it wasn't a hemangioma but an inflamed gland. She snagged all the nurses heart with her precious little face. I mean how can you not just love that face!

With nothing but good news, I got back to the work at hand.

The wind during the night didn't think my plates looked good, so I agreed with it and removed them...

I also changed out the chairs. Simple, dimple! I have to add that the table cloth here is actually 2 - 60 x 102 Walmart $3 vinyl cloths I cut to make a round. I love this 72 inch table but linens can get expensive for it. I have learned a trick on how to reduce cost, to reduce adding more linen to my already over stuffed linen cabinet, and I get the look I want. I bought a few basic main clothes that go to the floor and in a few neutral colors. Then I add table toppers using this same technique. Since these are used for a number of occasion's  they fold up great and are stored in their respective containers, thus eliminating any more over crowding in the linen cabinet.

Back to our 4th of July...

With the HEAT I decided to set the inside table as well.  Not that we were having a lot of guest this year, but I just had to add some cheer!

 The kids arrived on Saturday and we were ready...well as ready as can be that is.

They swam...

More like he sat in the pool while we all floated around. That little guy is "D", and is "K's" son. In case I haven't introduced him before. He has made his way into all our hearts. With him and his mom, these last 3 months would have been so different. Someday I might share their extraordinary story. God sent her into our sons life at the right moment. Another, PRAISE GOD moment!

My daughter baked...

We experienced many moments with these guys...

Sunday night we went up to town for the Indian casino's fireworks. We were surprised by a brief down pour shortly after taking this picture...

It only lasted a few minutes and stopped in time for the show. We turned up the radio, opened the windows, and made our way back out to watch the firework extravaganza! We are so lucky that our local radio station plays some real cool music set with the fireworks.


Come Monday our son was tired and basically relaxed all day. We went out shopping for some fireworks...

Our son and "K" finally got to out on a date while we watched "D". We were honored to make it happen for them. When they got home we all went out in the yard to set off the fireworks we bought earlier.

It might not have been a planned 4th of July or even like any we have had in past years, but it was a very special Independence Day...we saw our son gain more of his Independence this weekend. PRAISE God for all he has done and continues to do.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Month...Really!

Actually I don't think it's been quite that long, but around here, it has been a hoppin', action packed and toe tappin' time!

On June 14th it was time to have a baby!

Unfortunately things did not go as planned or expected in fact. At...

We were asked to leave the room for the epidural. What was to be routine went down hill fast, and as a crash cart rolled into her room, knew something was wrong. Once she was stable we were allowed back in but only to pack up and move to the C-Section area while hubby got in his scrubs.

What seemed like hours, was only really minutes and at 11:18 I was called back to the nursery where they took me to meet...

Remember, we did not know the gender until birth, so we were all surprised...

So let me introduce our new grandson, who weighed in at 6 lbs 2 oz and 20 inches.

For my blog he will be our "Buddy"

Daddy's "Buddy"

Bug's "Buddy"

Button's "Buddy"

And of course, beautiful Mommas, beautiful "Buddy'.

Her family is complete.
(I wasn't there to help her go home, so daddy took the photo for her)

Due to the c-section, her going home right after wasn't happening. Our time, yep, still doing the hopping around thing, was already booked to head back over to our son. "K" was going out of town for a week and we had made the arrangements to take care of him while she was gone. Though he can do a lot for himself, he can not drive and has daily doctors appointment. Some days are just one, while other days there are two and three visits to get him too. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel. He recently got both drains out and his wound is healing to the point that the vacuum is no longer needed. No drain, no vacuum means no every other day wound care or daily iv antibiotics. He is doing so good! He is able to stand and put 50% weight on the leg and has been relieved of all movement restrictions. He is seeing his kids regularly again and just having life at home has been the best thing for him.

I had a wonderful week with him, and come the weekend, our daughter, being driven by her dad, made her way over to finally see her brother and he got to meet "Buddy".  

Plus the cousins got to meet "Buddy"

 It was so HOT that grandpa and I took the kids swimming...

 It was the best weekend to end one hoppin', jumpin', toe tappin' month!


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