Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Still Missing in Action!

For the last few months my writing has been interupted with life or in my case illness!

The back is healing nicely and for right now we won't be doing a biopsy. We have other issues that have moved to the top of the list. Seems the pain I have been having is the tumor on my liver. It has grown to unknown size, at least until the scan is done, but it is bigger and leaking causing inflamation. More meds to help with that.

On top of this, the week we were heading to NASCAR in Pheonix I began having fevers. I would be fine during the day, but come 4-5:00 I began getting warm. This went on for over a week which made the races a bit different this year. I slept through so much of them. I felt so bad that we didn't even go into the pits as we normally do. It was nice to not have so many activities and just enjoy the friends and time together.

Once home a cold began to set in and with Thanksgiving just days away, I had to dig deep for the energy to pull it off. I felt so bad I didn't even go shopping on Black Friday. In fact I didn't do my first day of shopping till this last friday, but was only able to get through one store and I got one 'Grand' finished. The cold part of this bug is really kicking my butt. I just have no energy.

With hubby's help and Bug, they got the outside BIG tree up and all the blow ups are in place. Bug has such a great time helping gramps. Hubby brought up all the boxes from storage and we even got the village up and lit. Over the weekend we managed to get our main tree up and lit as well. I will spend the next week decorating it and the other 10 trees around the house. I am bound and determined to not let this winter bug interfer with the holidays.

Sorry for such a brief update of our coming and goings. Things around here have been crazy and not sure if or when or how they will all work out or end up. All I can do is deal with everything one thing at a time and let time take it's course and trust that the path God has us on right now is how He planned it and the growth and strength we have comes through him. With FAITH we will be just where he wants us to be. How can we do anything else but trust him.

I hope you all have a wonderful and the Merriest of Christmas and a Happy New Year. I promise to get back sooner and share Our Journey Through LIFE with you.


  1. I had no idea you had all this going on.

    How awful to have a tumour on your liver. Can this be treated and to have a bad bug on top of all that? You must be a very strong lady because I know I wouldn't be doing Thanksgiving or probably not Christmas either with all that you have going on!!!

  2. I am so sorry you have to deal with all of this! I will pray for you- for strength, healing, and a renewed energy.


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