Friday, September 6, 2019

Five-Minute-Friday ~ Testimony


Such a strong word for the week!

It takes a lot of strength and courage to share a testimony.

Our journey through life has been a continuing testimony of the work God has done throughout our lives. 

In the beginning, it scared me to my core to open up about it.

I remember the very first time I actually found the courage to speak out loud about the first time I had seen how he was working within my heart. It took another fifteen years before I would have finally found the right therapist, who encouraged me to meet the right group of women, at a church my daughter had guided me toward that allowed me to finally share it. 

That was thirty years ago!

Was I a slow learner? Not according to Him. He already knew when and how I would come to Him, and that blew me away. It still does!

Since that first time, other things have happened that also created other testimonies along our journey; to the many cancer fights of those I love, the battles that weren't won, unexpected deaths, illnesses that can keep you spinning, struggles of all different kinds, to name just a few. Each time, the way through them was by walking with Jesus, by Him reminding us that this to shall pass. Follow me, He said!

Not to sound too cliche, but it's like the song says;

 "Jesus take the wheel
Take it from my hands
'Cause I can't do this on my own!"

With each obstacle along our path, without having Him in my heart first, I'm sure things would have been different. When in doubt, pray. When faced with unbelievable odds, pray. When rewarded in ways beyond belief, believe, and pray.

Our testimonies don't always have to be spoken to a large group of people. It doesn't need to happen under the stage lights with a microphone. It can be in a quiet room with a dozen or fewer people. In my case, it was with the women who had comforted me through a then-current battle with my family I was navigating blindly until they helped me cross that 'T' across the canyons of my life.

It was transforming! It was rejuvenating! It was the beginning of a life filled with the Holy Spirit. Each page, each chapter of our lives becomes a testimony, not for ourselves, but for others, so they too can see the glory that awaits them...


...There's just something so extraordinarily beautiful about sharing part of my testimony in the middle of the grocery store with a soul meant for Him. Knowing there is a good chance he will pick up where I left off, soothe my own soul. 

I love sharing the seeds that might get planted in their lives. 

Don't forget, you can...

Click this link to visit Kate's blog.
Click this link if you want to read what others have written.
From there, if you want to join in, you will find the link on how to participate.

Have a great week, I know I will!

See ya' next Friday!


  1. Sharing your heart for Lord is sometimes hard. Once I started doing it then I got better at it. Even saying a few things to encourage people while in I'm at the register it blesses them too. A few give me a weird look. But ya never know where they're at in their life.

    1. Yes, it was at hard at first, but now it rolls off my tongue with the love and encouragement of the Lord. There will always be a few among the many, however, they might just need to hear different words a different way that finally reaches their heart. Never stop sharing!!!


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