Embrace your story. Sing your song.
Taking a few minutes to catch my breath.
Five of those are for this challenge.
I started singing my story way before it was allowed to be sung. Because of it, I tried my best to raise a confident, strong, woman and now I see her similarly raising her daughter. Helping a young teen find their wings and fly in the direction God has planned for and as parents, we prepare them for, isn't always easy. Especially today. Both of these ladies allow me to sing Gods praises in such a way, it brings tears to my eyes. I find the now weak regrets I once had, means I have done something right. The parents that my three children are makes me thank Him for choosing me to be their parent.
I often asked Him why he blessed me with twins when our means were low. I felt I had to put one prayer in front of another with many of the stages of that journey. I couldn't repeat most of what I was taught and knew the one thing that was true and forever, the most precious gift my mother could give me was my faith. Each time I got caught attending another church, it was my father who brought down the whip. Looking back as a mother, like my mother, I can see her faith pouring her faith into me. I can see she is happy with my love for God.
Watching my children sing their songs, creating their story, and even the "Grand's" as they approach adulthood, letting each one of them have a different story as well, and I see them nurturing it, I know where it will lead.
Timer says to stop!
Our stories aren't always perfect, and the songs they create can be of many beats, but they all bring about inner peace, that all is right, and right with Him.
This video is one of many that catches my beat and dream big, or small. (I love, "Dream Small" by Josh Wilson). Encourage the young to work for their dream. My last granddaughter just turned 8, and I know, in a couple years these precious times of her childhood will change. This is a song I would be playing in the car if she was with me.
Maybe someday!
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