There is so much activity lately from the many birds flying about. New babies are learning to fly!
I make my own solution like most; 4 cups boiling water, add 1 cup sugar, let cool, fill and repeat about once a week. More as it warms up. I also clean the feeder with vinegar before refilling, very important. I've been doing it this way since that first nesting and read the recipe here.
When I looked out the window this morning I noticed a few hummingbirds enjoying the new feeders. Soon there were more. I grabbed my camera and headed out to the gazebo.
For an hour I sat, stood, sat, and stood some more capturing these fast moving beauties. I couldn't believe how many there were flying around and enjoying the new feeders. I counted 7 at one time. I think there might be more. I know one thing, I am going to go get more feeders!

I'm thinking a pair might be worth the try. Since the area she picked back 2014 isn't available, add in the fact she still controls the feeder on that side of the house. I'm thinking maybe she would like them.
What else is happening in my garden.
The vegetable part of my garden is moving slow, AGAIN! My large box is showing some age and might need to get replaced this season. So for now I have white pumpkins growing on my deck. I'll thin them down tomorrow. All I did was put the rotting pumpkin in the pot, covered it with dirt and watered. My squash and canaloupe aren't doing so well. I think the birds are pecking at them. Do they do that? I'll put some netting over them but it might be to late.
We also have things that are blooming!
These are just a few of the pictures that came out. I have been having problems getting my camera to focus. I'm sure it is just me.
Last, can I ask you all for prayers. I'm losing someone very dear to me. Tonight we'll dance in my dreams.
My daughter is also losing her mother-in-law. She is on a different path then I had to journey when I lost mine. All I can be is there.
We all have our own journeys through life.
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