I came down with a cold and boy did it knock me down. Last year I got a flu shot and made it through with flying colors. When the races didn't do them, we meant to go get one but kept putting it off. I will surely be taking care of that here soon since we'll be traveling to New Orleans by train, I don't need to catch something along the way. We'll be receiving our 20-year plaque as owners. So excited!
As the year ended, many emotions were flying about. With the loss of someone so dear, so young, and so quickly, the loss her mom is experiencing, is unimaginable. Just a thought would make the tears flow for her. That would then lead to pray for comfort and strength for her, her family, and for God to embrace us all. It brought back memories of our own losses at the exact time of year.
2003 was our year of healing and growing after 2001-2002 when we lost all 3 parents within 11 months. As novice grandparents, we were catching on to this new role of ours on this journey. I also went through a lot of physical and occupational therapy back then and over the years after, continue relearning what I could, accepting what I couldn’t and getting stronger for the road ahead. Sometimes I can’t believe it’s been 15 years since this journey began. I revisited my very first post from 2007 that briefly outlined parts of this journey and how some prior injuries and new illnesses created some long-term effects. In 2004 we made a BIG choice that many didn’t believe was right nor did they understood why. Looking at where I am now because I made that choice, I praise God daily for this journey. The consequences from that choice were not all bad, in fact, I think some pretty awesome stuff has happened and continues to happen from those choices. With each consequence, we turned a corner to a better life. Oh, yes, there were times I wanted to throw in the towel, but something, that being God’s Love, was more significant than any man-made remedy on earth. I went after QUALITY instead of Quantity, and I think I have received both!
The Journey still moves at God’s pace. My abilities are diminishing and getting harder to cover up. My mind has it’s own reaction to this, and some days I am swimming against the current, while other days I’m flowing with it. I rest, plan, and prepare for all types of adventures, from doctors to travel. Spontaneous activities can cause some unwanted emotional reactions or outburst. Long-Term activities can land me flat for a few days, but in the end, I wouldn’t have wanted it any different, well maybe less drama, but the moments in between the difficulties surpass any discomfort. The memories made outshine the few moments of disruptions.
All is forgiven, all is understood, and the Journey continues on!
What is still consistent, are the some Holiday traditions….
Like building a Gingerbread House and decorating Sugar Cookies at Grandmas. Usually, we get our house from Bountiful Baskets, a food co-op, but this year the sign up-date came and went while we were preoccupied with heavy hearts and family life. So we found a house that was just to decorate (NOT TO EAT – once you’ve had fresh made gingerbread, there is no going back) and of course I made our sugar cookies from scratch.
On the even years, the “Grand’s” are with the ex’s and their family. Before we use to create a magical holiday before they went or when they got back. It was crazy fun! But as the “Grand’s” grow up, teaching them to wait for the holiday is more important now than creating the day like we did when they had no idea what day it really was. Christmas with under 5’s are the most magical to me, and when they grow to learn the truth about the Big Guy, and the reason for the season, other traditions begin as well. Church on Christmas Eve. Keeping secrets. Help in wrapping. To Christmas shopping and decorating. The list has endless of possibilities. Having 4 and a half in this age bracket, teaching allows them to set an example for the younger “Grand’s” which then gives them the feeling like they are a part of this journey. How can I not be a happy grandma? Watching these 8 “Grand’s” enjoying life, enjoying the holiday, is just magical.
The photo above was from 2012. Time to get a new one taken, hint, hint! For now a candid collage will have to do. It just amazes me how much each of them has grown. Similar in many ways, yet different in many ways too. Our Journey Through LIFE is so blessed!
The New Year is going to bring so many more memories, treasuring each and every one of them.

Over the last few years while being tested, poked and pricked, you meet many people you wouldn’t have met if you weren’t going through what you are. Each of them leave something with you and I believe I leave something with them. People who are going through a certain journey see life a whole lot different. You are never who you were in the beginning, and you have changed and grown as the journey needed, into who you are today. How is that not a gift from God? Along this journey pray has been the beginning and the ending to each day, and sometimes numerous times during the day if I need Him, or if someone else needs Him. I love that of Him, anytime, anywhere!
Life is a Journey, Not a Destination! That has become our motto over that couple years! If something is in our way, we’ll either move it or go around it, or just plow right over the top! Nothing is going to stop us now!
Our Journey Through LIFE will grow in a direction this year that God has been preparing us for. I’m excited to see the view along the way. All we can do is enjoy the ride!
May the New Year bring good things to all you who read me. Thanks for taking the time, I’m glad you did.
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