The road is the only way we can travel nowadays. Flying flew out of our options back in 2008, I believe. It’s been so long I really can’t remember when or where I flew last. I do know that each flight left me exhausted and diminished quality, so we abandoned the airports for rental cars, so to not add miles to my old girl, and the RV.
I do not miss flying at all!
On the road, you see so much more. Sure flying gets you there quicker, but at what cost. And at 35,000 feet up you can’t say pull over, I want to spend some time here before continuing on.
I have learned how to take pictures going 70 miles an hour as well. I have learned to be patient for roadside assistance or while watching the better half fix the problem. Each trip I come up with some type of entertainment. For this trip, I picked a Christmas Tree.
Why you might ask?
I LOVE Christmas Trees!
FYI: I am up to 28 and counting for the house,(not all got up this year, boohoo!).
So a Christmas Tree to keep my spirits up for this sorrowful trip was needed.
Target had the perfect one! It uses that USB thingy so it can be plugged in. It was only 4 inches high and while at NASCAR last month, the cell pad thing we were given would work to hold it in place.
With car rented and loaded, we were on our way.
As much as we can, we love taking the back roads! We like taking this road up to the I-10W and all I can tell you without looking it up is it is SR-something. Most of it is along the Colorado River and though not shorter then the highways, it does have better scenery.
Once on the 10 we go around the LA area by way of Pasadena and the 210. Over the 19 years we have been making this trip, a new highway has been built that makes it so much easier.
Finally we are on the I-5N and coming up to the Grapevine. I must add, this is probably the worst part of the drive. The drivers are crazy or lazy. Either their zooming or snailing along. It’s only till the base of the Grapevine but clinching the hand rail is very common.
It doesn’t take long to get up and over the vine and heading down the other side. We decide to take the 99 virus's the 5 for more motel options.
We were not ready to stop when we came to Bakersfield so we continue on…
…to Fresno and make that are next target…
And the Best Western provided the perfect place to rest our heads and bodies. How can sitting in a car make a body tired? What a long day…though lots of conversation and memories shared I couldn’t wait to put my head on pillow.
It was looking gloomy when we stopped for the night, but when we woke and got on the road it was still with us. What we thought was just some heavy air turned out to be actual rain for the next few miles….
Further up the road the sun finally tried to come out. It had been a long time since we traveled the 99 and had no idea of the work being done. It never really became congested through it, at least not for long, and can imagine that once done, this route will be so much better.
The crossing over the Delta tell us we are almost there!
And with construction on Jamison Canyon Rd we take American Canyon…
After visiting with my brother and getting the rundown for the next couple days, we headed to were would spend the next few days.
And our view….
Stay tuned to the continuing saga of Our Sentimental Journey…
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